PROMAR AGRICULTURAL COMMODITY TRADING A.C. was established in 2014 in İstanbul with partnership of Promar Gıda San.ve Tic. A.Ş , one of the leading companies in the Food and Feed sector in Turkey, for purpose of carrying out importation and exportation activities.
We mainly make importation from countries like Russia, Ukraine and Bulgaria and realize exportation to the Middle East countries. The imported products are continuously supplied to each region of Turkey.
Soya bean, soya bean meal, full fat soya, sunflower meal, wheat bran, corn, palm oil are the main products traded by our company. Our company directly sells some of the imported oil seeds in the internal market and distributes some of them in the internal market after they are processed at various plants. Besides, some of the imported raw material need of Promar Gıda San.ve Tic. A.Ş, one of our subsidiaries, is met by our company.
PROMAR AGRICULTURAL COMMODITY TRADING A.C. that works with the principle of quality and permanent customer satisfaction has a target to be one of the leading companies in the food and feed sector with its trade and operation team having the both external trade and internal market experience.